sell to us

Sell to Us

If you have any questions about your stamps or are looking for a place where you can sell your collection we can help. We are experts in how to value and sell a stamp collection.

We are used to dealing with everything from inherited ‘schoolboy’ collections and individual rarities to some of the world’s finest exhibits. Our team will be happy to give you the advice and information you need.

If you wish to bring your items to us at 399 Strand, please contact us to arrange an appointment at

We appraise many collections every week and there are a number of common themes amongst those which, while often lovingly curated, are unfortunately of limited commercial value:

  • Modern commemorative issues: These are typically issued in vast quantities and heavily promoted by postal authorities through the world.
  • First day covers (post 1960): These too are typically mass produced and therefore have limited resale value.
  • Royalty omnibus issues: These are often prized souvenirs for the original purchaser but of less interest in the wider market.
  • ‘Schoolboy’ collections: While some became a starting point for more serious collections, typical childhood collections were understandably built with quantity rather than value in mind and this is often reflected in their value today.

That being said, we do love stamps, so, if you have a collection which you would like us to appraise please don’t hesitate to contact us to book an appointment

Book an appointment 

Our Auction specialists are available between 10:30 am and 12:30 pm, Monday-Friday at our 399 Strand location. Start your journey here

Sell your collection online form

Fill in our easy to use selling form here