No Longer Available - NORTH BORNEO 1897 SG92a, 94a, 97, 100a, 101a, 102b, 106c, 110b Specimen

Stock Code: P212005885

1897-1902 1c, 2c black and lake, 3c, 5c, 6c, 8c black and brown-purple, and 12c, seven values, together with 1897 18c black and green type 46 (inscribed "POSTAGE & REVENUE"), perf 14½-15 except 12c (perf 13½-14 x 12-13), each with local "SPECIMEN." handstamp (Samuel type NB1), mostly applied diagonally (inverted on 2c, 3c, 6c, 12c and18c), part to large part o.g. Odd imperfections (8c creased), nevertheless a very rare and striking group, the 2c (lake) and 18c not recorded by Samuel with this opt, which is the only accepted local handstamp ever used in North Borneo. Ex Cassels (Spink Oct 2003) and Marcus Samuel.


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