No Longer Available - GB 1847 SG55 Pl.W.W.1 Mint

Stock Code: P212015606

1847 1s Green (Die W.W.1). Very fine good to large four margin bottom marginal unused o.g. example with variety 'Two threads 20mm apart'. Sold to Lady Joicey by the dealer Charles Nissen in 1932 and offered with his original approval letter where he states 'I am submitting herewith for your inspection a 1/- octagonal thread each side, an extremely rare item. There is only one other copy known, and I and not quite sure whether Captain Grainger has it or whether it is in the Royal collection'. A major GB rarity and the only mint example of this variety that we have handled. Spec. H1(2)c. 2021 BPA Cert. Ex Lady Joan Joicey & Shields.


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